
10 Ways to Advocate for Church Artists

Artists in the church need a little bit of loving! Here are 10 ways you can advocate for their needs as you lead:

  1. Vision - Paint a picture of the preferred future for your artists, so they can unite toward a goal that's bigger than themselves.

  2. Servanthood - Help your artists see the value of servanthood, so the team can be about proclaiming God's message instead of self-promotion.

  3. Information - Ask your pastor for sermon information at least three weeks in advance, so artists have time to create.

  4. Preparation - Send music and scripts home several weeks in advance of a service, so your teams have time to prepare.

  5. Rehearsals - Schedule rehearsals, so artists can rehearse not only their parts but how their parts fit into the whole.

  6. Equipment - Ask for appropriate equipment, so your teams are not constantly frustrated with gear that doesn't work.

  7. Budget - Give your teams enough money to allow creativity to flow, so that ideas are not immediately discounted because no money has been allotted for creative ministry.

  8. Encouragement - Tell your artists when they're doing a great job, so they know their contribution is significant.

  9. Constructive Feedback - Lovingly let your artists know when they're coming up short, so they want to keep raising the bar.

  10. Hospitality - Find a place to set up a green room and supply it with basic food & beverages, so your artists will feel at home and cared for.

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Sandy Johnson is a church visioneering and creative arts consultant. She just recently launched, thesynergybox.com, offering creative arts consulting and website resources designed for church leaders and artists. She has worked for over twenty years with church creative arts, church visioneering, catalyzing ministry and proactive church leadership in churches of 600 to 18,000. A leader in the church, with extensive experience helping shape and lead creative arts teams, she is an innovator and a change agent.