
Healthy Creative Team Culture

As passionate as I am about creatively crafting church services and vision to express the love and grace of our Savior, I am equally passionate about creating a safe and synergistic place for creative people to flourish. It irks me to no end when those of us in church leadership expect artists to produce moving and holy moments in an environment of open relational hostility or creative utility. Artists cannot be expected to lovingly lead our congregations in worship if when they are experiencing a lack of the same from the church.

Well, hardly any church sets out to alienate and dismiss the needs of artists. But at the same time, few understand how to meet the unique needs of the creatives in their culture. So they don't try. Or they try and come up short. A healthy team culture doesn't exist without a few key elements. We must work at it. In Organizing Genius, Warren Bennis suggests, "The most exciting groups...resulted from a mutually respectful marriage between an able leader and an assemblage of extraordinary people. Groups became great only when everyone in them, leaders and members alike, is free to do his or her absolute best."

So what gives artists this freedom? What does a healthy creative team culture look like? Here are my top ten non-negotiables:

  1. Godly, visionary, creative leadership

  2. A clearly defined church vision, artistic vision, style and identity

  3. Senior leadership's active support

  4. Well defined roles and communication processes for staff and volunteers

  5. Excellent creative processes

  6. Resources that match the desired outcomes

  7. High doses of encouragement and constructive feedback

  8. Active spiritual shepherding

  9. Training and equipping opportunities

  10. Shared community experiences

And bonus item # 11. A green room stocked with food and water. Seriously. It helps a ton!

So, if you read that list and thought, that's basically creating a great arts ministry, you're right. A healthy creative team culture reflects a well-thought out and intentionally implemented ministry. It is possible. And it starts with someone with a vision for creating a great artistic team. Perhaps you!

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Sandy Johnson is a church visioneering and creative arts consultant. She just recently launched, thesynergybox.com, offering creative arts consulting and website resources designed for church leaders and artists. She has worked for over twenty years with church creative arts, church visioneering, catalyzing ministry and proactive church leadership in churches of 600 to 18,000. A leader in the church, with extensive experience helping shape and lead creative arts teams, she is an innovator and a change agent.