
A red rubber ball helps you design a healthy creative culture for your life

Have you ever read the book Rules of the Red Rubber Ball by Kevin Carroll? If not, stop reading this blog right now, run to the bookstore and then continue reading. Seriously, I love this book. Go to the bookstore. Find it at the library. Go...

Okay now that you've got the book in your hands, page through it. Do you find yourself thinking: unique, creative...unusual perhaps? Maybe you've owned this little book for quite some time and never really gave the content much thought. Perhaps you got a bit sidetracked from the message of the material by its unique and creative form. Well, let me help a bit...

The big idea of the book is that you can live your creative dream. The book talks about designing your life - centering it around your dreams, filling it with vision, helpful relationships and a sense of passion and meaning. It's about building a healthy creative culture for your life. To accomplish this task, the author suggests you follow seven steps:
  1. Commit to it

  2. Seek out encouragers

  3. Work out your creative muscle

  4. Prepare to shine

  5. Speak up

  6. Expect the unexpected

  7. Maximize the day

Sound easy? I don't think so. But with intentionality, strategy and follow-thru, it's possible. Now those are three words artists may find difficult: intentionality, strategy, follow-thru. So maybe you need to think about it as another form of creativity...creative life planning.

Why would you want to build a healthy creative culture for your life? Simple. Those who are healthy and creative themselves can lead others to that same place. They can fill the world with ideas, innovation and meaning that impact the world for Christ. Those who have not found a way to create this world around them settle for less. Ideas, innovation and meaning may be present, but their ability to access and implement them is compromised.

So did you get the book yet? Spend time designing a healthy creative culture for your life. Your impact depends on it.

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Sandy Johnson is a church visioneering and creative arts consultant. She just recently launched, thesynergybox.com, offering creative arts consulting and website resources designed for church leaders and artists. She has worked for over twenty years with church creative arts, church visioneering, catalyzing ministry and proactive church leadership in churches of 600 to 18,000. A leader in the church, with extensive experience helping shape and lead creative arts teams, she is an innovator and a change agent.