
Leading Up to the Senior Pastor Begins with...

When is the last time you were an advocate for the arts or the artists in your church? Being an advocate means representing the needs and wants of your ministry or your teams to those who have decision-making power. To be a good advocate, you'll need to be good at leading up.

How are you doing on the key aspects of leading up?

  • I have demonstrated consistent respect for my senior leaders. They know I "have their backs", and I understand I will not be heard unless I demonstrate respect.

  • I have aligned my ministry with the vision of the church and its leaders. I'm not pulling in a different direction, but I am supporting God's direction for our church.

  • I have proactively uncovered the needs within my ministry and my teams and created a vision to meet them. I am leading from a visionary and strategic mindset.

  • I have taken the time to effectively communicate the needs of my ministry in a language my leaders can understand. I have used both my right brain and my left brain to express and document the needs of my ministry.

  • I have asked my leaders for what I really want. I have not beat around the bush asking for less than the best for my ministry, but I have been straightforward about what we need to create compelling art.

Leading up well begins with good self leadership. When artistic leaders begin from a place of healthy, proactive leadership, our senior leaders will not only be open to us leading up, but will begin to partner in ministry with us.

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Sandy Johnson is a church visioneering and creative arts consultant. She just recently launched, thesynergybox.com, offering creative arts consulting and website resources designed for church leaders and artists. She has worked for over twenty years with church creative arts, church visioneering, catalyzing ministry and proactive church leadership in churches of 600 to 18,000. A leader in the church, with extensive experience helping shape and lead creative arts teams, she is an innovator and a change agent.